


For more videos 和 other useful tips, tricks, 和 DIY tutorials 请访问YouTube上的阿拉莫软水器.

If you are having trouble connecting your 软水器 unit to your home wifi connection, 在这里 are 第一部分第二部分 of that tutorial that is on our YouTube page.

1) Do you install 软水器s for well water or just city water?

Alamo水软化剂可以为您的家庭或企业安装最高质量的水处理产品,无论您是在井旁还是由市政当局提供水. 井水的水质确实有较大的差异,所以总是建议从实验室分析开始. We provide that service as well as onsite testing when appropriate.


软水器不会永远有效, 然而, many systems can last over 20 years with proper maintenance. 打电话给我们免费的无义务系统检查,看看我们是否可以修复您当前的系统.


是的,我们可以! 水的状况是不断变化的, which is why it is so important to have your 水试验ed periodically. 打电话给我们,免费免费 水试验. 然后,我们可以帮助您了解您的水,并定制一个系统,以满足您的家庭需求.

4) I already know my water is hard, can I just get a quote over the phone?

我们总是更愿意与您在家中见面,对家庭的管道和水质进行我们自己的检查,以确保我们的建议适合您的家庭. Water quality 和 needs vary from home to home. 一些房主, 然而, 了解他们的家和水,足够接受远程投标,无论是通过电话, 缩放或电子邮件由您决定! 如果你使用的是城市供水,可以从供水商网站上的CCR开始.

5) Will this help protect my appliances like my hot water heater 和 dishwasher?

许多人没有意识到硬水会损坏家庭的管道和用水电器,包括洗衣机, 洗碗机, 和 water heaters cost more money in repairs. 你可以通过安装Alamo水软化剂来延长你的管道和电器的寿命.

6) Will this help my skin, hair, dishes, 和 淋浴 glass scum?

硬水会让你的头发和皮肤变干,留下会导致皮肤问题的矿物质沉积物. It also leaves mineral deposits on your bathtub, 淋浴, 和 other appliances making them difficult to clean. 安装一台Alamo软水器可以消除皮肤和房屋周围的矿物质积聚. 每个人的皮肤和头发都不一样, soft water can definitely improve skin 和 hair, especially when combined with soaps 和 shampoos that are right for you.

7) Is my water pressure important to soften my water?

水压非常重要. 如果你的压力太高,你的软化剂和水过滤器将没有机会正常工作,因为你的水可能通过得太快了. If your water pressure is extremely high…it can damage your 软水器. Your home’s water pressure should be set anyw在这里 between 60-80psi. 有任何问题请给我们打电话.

8) What kind of salt can I use for my softener?

任何类型的 水软化剂盐 对你的系统有效吗. However, pelletized salt has bonding agents in it in order to create the pellet. The solar crystal salt does help your system operate better.

9) Do you have financing options if I need to purchase a new 软水器 system?

是的,我们为您提供融资选择. 您可以在与我们的技术人员的预约中了解所有可能最适合您的选择.

10) Do you have Rental Units available for a monthly fee?

是的,我们有! Your fee is determined by our evaluation of the needs of your family 和 home. 打电话给我们,免费免费 evaluation.

11. 你们所有的产品都有保修单吗?

是的,他们有! 我们有成千上万的客户,他们最欣赏的一件事就是我们的保证.

12) How long should a 软水器 last?

软水器不会永远有效, 然而, many systems can last over 20 years with proper maintenance. Call us for a system check to see how well your current system is performing.

13) We are buying a new home that is not plumbed for a 软水器, 你能勘察一下我们的新家吗?

当然可以! 大约有50%的客户家庭没有安装软水器,但现在他们安装了. 打电话给我们,免费免费 evaluation.

14) We are building a new home, can you install it in new builds?

是的,我们可以! 给我们打电话 for a free no-obligation evaluation.


我们当然有! 给我们打电话 we would love to tell you about our salt delivery program.


反渗透系统为您提供更好的水质,在行业中指的是在POU(使用点)或在厨房水槽有一个单独的小水龙头. Reverse osmosis filters have a pore size of around 0.0001微米. After the water passes through a reverse osmosis filter, it is essentially pure water. 当你在水处理行业听到“全屋过滤”这个词时,它可能意味着几个不同的东西,有些公司会把软水机称为全屋过滤系统, 和 some companies will refer to carbon filtration as whole house filtration, t在这里 are many different levels of filtration. As you can see the answer to this question can get quite lengthy real fast. 给我们打电话. 在比较反渗透和全屋过滤时,我们很乐意与您讨论和分享我们的专业知识.

17) If we have a 软水器 do we also need a 水过滤 system?

是的,你需要. 原因是软水器可以去除水中的硬度,但是有些化学物质和污染物软水器不能去除,过滤系统可以.

18) Why should we purchase a 软水器 from you as opposed to another company?

很好的问题! 我们试着用3件事来总结:(1)我们的员工……客户服务是我们作为一家公司的理念,直到今天仍然如此. It is in our DNA…和 that is because of our people! (2)我们的产品…根据我们多年的行业经验…我们已经找到了最优质的产品,我们不会为我们的客户和潜在客户提供任何不一样的产品。(3)我们的价格…当并排比较系统时,我们将获得最佳的每美元价值. It’s the overall experience from the beginning of our process until the end. 我们的心态是没有尽头,我们会在我们的系统到位后继续为您服务. Please check out our reviews 和 give us a call. “我们的客户说得最好 !”

19) We purchased a Water Softening system from you a few years ago, 我们多久需要保养一次, 和 do you have an annual maintenance agreement for this?

We recommend service at least once every three years. 我们确实有一个会员计划,其中包括维护和节省一些管道项目. 给我们打电话 today to learn about our maintenance 和 membership programs.

20) How do I locate my main water meter / water shutoff?

查看我们的 YouTube页面 for a video on how to locate you water meter / main water shutoff.

21) My electricity went out 和 the clock to my 软水器 unit is not correct. How do I update the time on my 软水器 unit?

我们在YouTube页面上有一个视频,演示如何更新软水器系统的时间. 点击 在这里 to see the tutorial on how to update the clock on your 软水器 system.